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Delta 8 Edibles

As cannabis progresses more and more through the legal system, more everyday Americans learn about what the plant has to offer. You may be familiar with CBD, for example, or even the nutritious benefits that hemp seeds have. You may have even heard of Delta-8 THC before, though it’s not as known in America as most of the rest of the world. The fourth most researched cannabinoid on the planet, Delta-8 isn’t new to the cannabis game. It is getting some newfound love for the first time ever, made legal thanks to hemp!


The Typical Effects of Delta 8


    Causes a floaty feeling like you’re weightless.


    Engages energy levels and helps you focus.


    Promotes appetite so helps the urge to eat.


    Stimulates intense relaxation.


    Makes the user feel mellow and chill, but still clear-headed.


Delta 8 users find the high to be incredibly relaxing, putting them in a calm state. They find themselves still clear-headed, able to take on tasks and go about their day normally. A feeling of contentment and chill relaxation washes over them.  Other effects of Delta-8 THC include a stimulated appetite. It enhances your mood, puts you in that happy place, and it appears to help with certain types of pain. While it doesn’t work for everyone, some users are blown away by how effectively it alleviates their symptoms.

Some users report anxiety or paranoia as a partial symptom of a Delta 9 high. That appears to go away completely with Delta 8. This allows for a clear-headed experience, instead. The high stimulates relaxation, but not the urge to laze around.

The biggest difference users find is that a Delta 9 high might make a user feel out of control, while Delta 8 helps them feel like they’re still in control. No matter the intensity of the Delta 8, it doesn’t come with the feeling of not having control. 

This is perhaps a feeling that stops some people from using marijuana in the first place, for fear of the negative symptoms. With Delta 8, this fear is diminished altogether.

When vaping Delta 8, many find that it doesn’t make them sleepy, as some Delta 9 THC vapes can. Instead, it increased their energy level and focus while not making their heart race or triggering any symptoms of anxiety.


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5 BENEFITS of taking DELTA-8

Neuroprotective Properties for a Healthier Brain

Some research also suggests that delta-8 THC could help people produce Acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter is responsible for memory, cognition, neuroplasticity, and even arousal. That’s a lot of benefits of delta 8 THC, and it appears to have close to or zero negative side effects.

Has Been Shown to Stimulate Appetite

In 2004, researchers analyzed delta-8’s effect on appetite control. They concluded with the trial, noting that even low doses of delta-8 stimulated an increase in food intake.

Little or No Nausea Thanks to its Antiemetic Effects

We know based on the 1995 study that delta-8 appears to have no negative side effects while eliminating nausea. The children undergoing chemotherapy for their cancer saw a 100% success rate in reducing their nausea over 480 treatments in total.

Analgesic Properties – Which Means Less Pain Overall

Everyone experiences pain differently, and at different degrees, but researchers have observed delta-8’s ability to help relieve some of that pain. Having analgesic properties means it can relieve pain to some degree.

Particularly, those with neuropathic and inflammatory pain may benefit the most, but those with other types of pain may benefit, too.

Fewer Anxiety Symptoms with its Anxiolytic Effects

As we mentioned earlier, delta 8 binds to the CB1 receptors throughout the body. In fact, some researchers have observed it connecting to the CB2 receptors, too. Its ability to bind is what helps the cannabinoid convince the body to better regulate pain and anxiety.

The anxiolytic properties it produces helps to relieve symptoms of anxiety and allow a wave of relaxation to wash over you.


Delta 8 THC Gummies

Delta 8 THC Gummies

Quality is of the utmost importance! Our lab has a pharmacist on staff and tests every batch of cannabis extract for quality and accuracy. Purchase your edibles from a brand born and built in the U.S.A. and only uses the purest, most natural cannabis extract (never distillate) in a wide and diverse line of cannabis products.

Delta-8’s ability to provide relief for those suffering from everything from insomnia to chronic pain and mental and physical ailments is something that no other cannabinoid can boast. It’s a game-changer.

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